
So my cards and wallpaper are now being stocked in NOISE lab in Manchester...thats uber exciting! I am working on a new range of wallpaper designs and the cards just keep on flowing out too...I have also discovered a glorious blog in the form of Torie Jayne check it out!

So January is shaping up to be quite a busy month! Keep your eyes peeled for more news on my design progress.... I am off to my favourite Sunday jaunt shortly.... Columbia Road.... going to buy some flowers and this afternoon will see me drawing till my hearts content! I will take some photos of my work in progress - that might be nice!

So keep it unreal and remember cards are available to buy at

Oh and I almost forgot to mention I now have a flickr account check out a small selection of my cards....

Merry New Year!

It has been a wee while since the last update - not much has happened other than working rather hard! Over the holidays I didn't build a snowman, or have a Christmas dinner* or even sing any carols.... I did however have a MAJOR chillax helped by a hot stones massage (corr blimey amazing!) and that, as the mastercard slogan is quite apt, is 'priceless'. Actually things did happen... I fell down a concealed hole luckily no broken bones - just collapsed into fits of hysterical laughter as my dear brother M watched on - dangerous romantic snow covering up a deep well haha I say deep slight exaggeration sort of knee height!

So the run up to Christmas was mental at Thornback and Peel - we were busy little bees indeed! So with the absence of anything blog related at the end of last year I thought I might refresh and remind the world what it is that started the blog ball rolling in the beginning for Betty, now thats a fragmented B alliteration!

I like to draw and design things and 'coming soon' will be a range of address books and what not prints and all things my style - under my business 'Blank Inside Design' - I have my own screens for hand-printing now and a re-kindled passion - what a combination! Ha!

Images below are from my collection of hand-printed wallpapers... set the scene if you will...

So how exciting! new products to follow, more markets and generally more fun to be had in London town.... 2010 is going to be special! In the meanwhile keep your eyes crossed for more updates.....

*the north was like a mancunian Narnia, snow prohibited much of the planned festive frolics so we missed out on the trimmings and had steak - not quite the same but hey some people don't have any food so I am most definitely NOT complaining.